What is a normal menstrual cycle?

Is your cycle NORMAL? 

This week let's discuss what a normal healthy cycle is! 

A normal cycle is anywhere from 21 days to 35 days.  One thing I started doing in chiropractic school was track my cycle and it is something I wish I would have started to do sooner! If anyone ever asked me prior to chiropractic school when my period would come I would have had no clue… could have been last week or 3 months ago for all I knew. When I started to track my cycle I could plan to a T when my period would come so I could plan life accordingly, especially when traveling. I mean what is worse than traveling with only white pants and light clothes when your period hits and you do not have tampons (or my current choice a cup) or just wanna cuddle in sweats and a hoodie. When you track your cycle you can use it as your super power to plan events, quality time with loved ones, and solitude with yourself 😉 Use your period to your advantage!

Is it possible to be pain free or is it just a unicorn and myth?

While symptoms like pain, mood swings, clotty periods, spotty periods, breast tenderness, to name a few… are common they are not normal. Your period should only be marked by blood during menstruation, other than that you should have a blissful time all months long.  

I am also happy to tell you when I started the Schaefer Protocol for myself I noticed my cramps went away! The clotty periods I had, also got better. So as a case study it is totally possible to have an amazing period 😀 

Below is a little graphic I created for you to show what is ideal for each part of your period for exercise and what you will typically experience.

I know women go on birth control pills for a variety of reasons. That will be a different newsletter for a different day.  But when we are on hormonal birth control it truly affects our hormones in ways that will have lasting effects on our overall health.  Regular menstrual cycles with consistent ovulation during reproductive years will prevent osteoporosis, breast cancer, heart disease. I don’t know about you, but I plan to prevent these as best I can as I age. Until next week…

❤️ Dr. Ashley

As always if you have any questions please let me know. You can respond to this email. If you have a topic you would like me to discuss, please let me know. Have a beautiful week. Chat soon!