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Why this work?
Why Preconception Care?
When I started working in the preconception world someone close to me asked if there was really a need for this work. I felt a little attacked at first, like thanks for the support dude. Of course there is a need for this work and what this also showed me was the journey this will be to help others see the need and necessity for this work. I mean if there is a need and demand for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI)… then of course there is a demand for an alternative that does not require all the drugs and is a natural approach to your baseline health.
I started this journey and protocol work as something I felt called to do for myself, for my health; and hoped it would be something I could implement for others. I have seen so many friends who have struggled on their fertility journey, many silently. So much heartache and heartbreak on their journey; potential unnecessary heartache and heartbreak if key steps are taken prior to conception. My ‘why’ has become two fold. Selfishly when the time comes I want my body healthy to carry a baby to term, for the baby to have the best health outcomes, for the baby to have the best birth experience, for my postpartum period to be ideal. My other ‘why’ is for those who need hope, who need help on their journey to baseline health and wellness, a guide who has walked the same journey as them.
Those are just some of the why I have seen so far. They say you need to know your why before you begin. For me I just need to know what it is and the why always shows up later. If you ask me in 2 years or 5 years or 10 years for now what my ‘why’ for Schaefer Protocol work and preconception work is and how I got here; it will likely be a different story. So for now…. This is how it begins.
Recently I met up with some of the doctors that also help couples through the Schaefer Protocol. We meet a few times throughout the year to strategize how to better serve our communities. One of the doctors mentioned how she can not wait until Thanksgiving dinner 15 years from now when her kids are more grown and have partners of their own, maybe even kids of their own and how she just sees so much joy, laughter, and love around the dinner table. This really got me thinking, of course I have thought about the legacy I want to leave my kids, but thinking about the experience, how it will feel, and the joyful moments is an even more exciting thing to think about.
What is it that you want to feel or experience on your health journey?
My mission is to create radiantly healthy moms and dads for future vibrant babies. It is so much more than just conception, it is about the quality of the pregnancy. The generational health that you leave imprinted on your baby for their future health and the future health of their kids. It truly is a legacy I will fight for my families health and the legacy I leave for my generations to come; I am alway honored to be a part of for the couples I work with to create a legacy for their families as well.
The way I see it no pregnant woman should have to suffer from miscarriages, infertility challenges, morning sickness, bedrest, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, just to name a few of the things I know can be help working on health outcomes before conception.
My hope is that you can see my heart when I say what I am going to say next. It comes from 100% empathy and compassion for those who have had infertility challenges as well as multiple miscarriages. But let me give you some challenging questions and a different perspective…
If a higher power created our bodies perfectly and our bodies do not make mistakes, why do some people have such challenges conceiving? Is the body or God or the universe trying to redirect them for the moment? I am not saying forever, just for a season. Is the universe trying to say hold up, wait a minute before you try to conceive you need to work through some health things first. Is your work super stressful and it would not be ideal for baby to be under that stress? Is your spouse having a nightcap after work? Do you feel the stress of being a ‘good’ mom creeping up? Do you feel the stress of adding to your family creeping up? Is your diet full of processed foods? Do you spend your nights at the closest drive thru for food? Is your idea of movement walking to the bathroom from the living room? Is your idea of water found in your coffee? You can probably see where I am going with this… your mindset, your stress, your health will all contribute to your overall well being and ability to get and stay pregnant. As someone who has fallen into all of these categories at some point in my life… I get it if you are in these categories too. You are only human and only on this life experience trying your best 😉
I work with couples on 8 different health ‘challenges’, some of them they are rock stars at some and some are completely new to them. It is all about the health journey. What I love about Schaefer Protocol is it’s an overall ‘hack’ for your health. Everyone seems to be looking for the next big hack for their health, whether you have been on this health journey for a day or for years. This journey has made the greatest impact on my personal overall health in the shortest time as well. Years of wear and tear… can be reversed so quickly. If only you believe you are worthy of it, if only you believe it will happen for you and if only you believe it can happen for you.
Weekly Reminder: Life doesn't happen to you….It happens for you!!!!
So my goal with all this work, is to create not only health for myself but a legacy for other families as well. This is so much greater than just my health and my future kids' health. It is about the lasting effect that I teach my kids will live on for their generations. The health I pass on to my kids will live on with the knowledge. My legacy will be one not just for my generations but those that walk this journey to conception with me.
What will your health legacy be? What will you be passing on to your future kids? Sometimes we get so caught up in the moment of wanting a baby, but what will your baby's health be like if your health is poop? Or for that matter your significant other's health?
So whether you have been working on your health your whole life, whether you are in the middle like me, or are on day one, welcome! Happy to be on this journey with you.
I am currently taking on 5 coupes for one-on-one guidance work in April 2024. Won’t open up 5 more spaces until May once these are full. Start a message with me to get started or sign up for a discovery call to chat.
Have a beautiful week.
💕 Dr. Ashley
This weeks podcast - new episodes weekly on Thursday’s :